STEM Learning & Experiments by Because Learning
Making STEM fun for learners through real-world data. (And helping parents and educators, too!)
Check out our latest posts below.

Astroschool Fall 2018 Wrap Up!
Our AstroSchool fall 2018 cohort has finished! Here’s what participating educators thought about their experience learning about new classroom technology.
Webinar Replay: Build a Solar Oven & Collect Experiment Data with a Sensor Kit
Last week, Because Learning CTO and co-founder Kevin Cocco walked educators through one of our favorite experiments, Solar Ovens. Missed it? That’s okay! Our replay is now online.
How Physical Computing Experiences Can Bridge the Opportunity Gap
With an emerging approach to STEM education – physical computing experiences – educators can help bridge this learning gap. Students have the ability to learn in multiple ways, helping students who learn in different ways to have their learning needs and preferences met. The result? Deeper engagement and learning for all students – not just […]
How Physical Computing Experiences Improve Classroom Engagement
Times keep changing. Students used to pass notes behind your back. Now they’re texting and playing Clash of Clans under the desk. Instant access to information has changed the way that students learn, too. With more distractions than ever, bringing physical computing experiences into your classroom could be the key to engaging your students and […]
Teachers Become First-Time Coders in Florida
At Because Learning, we believe ongoing educator professional development is an essential key to student success. Santa Rosa County Public Schools, in Florida, have been using our Sensor Kits for more than 3 years. But the constant arrival of new teachers makes a great opportunity for continued professional development and first-time coding lessons.
AstroSchool Fall 2018 Winners Announced!
We’re thrilled to finally announce the winners for AstroSchool Fall 2018! Each of the educators below represents someone dedicated to bringing STEM excellence to their students.
This Black Friday, Save $370 When You Bring Standards-based Lessons to Your Entire Classroom
Get enough kits for an entire classroom to run amazing STEM lessons! Save 10% on our Classroom Launch Pack when you fill out an information request form before November 26!
7 Halloweeniest Classroom STEM Lessons!
Want an alternative to rewatching that same district-approved Halloween movie yet again? And want to meet several Next Gen Science Standards and Common Core standards while having science fun? With over 150 STEM activities in our Lessons portal, Because Learning has plenty of options to bring spooky fun to your classroom. Even better, these lessons […]
Study Explores What Makes Strong Inquiry-Based Science Teachers
What makes effective teachers who bring inquiry-based teaching into their science classrooms?
How to Overcome STEM Challenges in Rural Areas
The geographical location of a school does not have to be a determining factor in the quality of its STEM education. Multiple factors, including recent developments in technology, provide greater access to STEM learning than ever before.